Lázaro Cárdenas 1, Santiago, 60490 Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro, Michoacán, México.
19.41648909235, -102.12822496891
06:00 – 19:30
06:00 – 19:30
06:00 – 19:30
06:00 – 19:30
06:00 – 19:30
06:00 – 19:30
06:00 – 19:30
According to stories, it was in the year 1597 when a traveler who was selling three Christs arrived at this town, belonging to Michoacán.
He was offered lodging in the house of a parish priest, Mr. Nicholas, and the guest decided to leave the 3 Christs for a while to see which one the owner of the place would decide on.
Al llegar el plazo Don Nicolás se decidió por uno de ellos por lo que, al pretender pagarle al dueño de las esculturas este se niega a recibir el dinero y se va dejándole el cristo, el cual le aseguró era muy milagroso. Del forastero no se supo nada más de fue sin dejar rastro alguno de que en algún momento hubiera estado ahí.
The image of Christ was in keeping with the indigenous race of the town and for this reason it was one of those selected.
La imagen no tardo en ser venerada por los habitantes menos el cacique del lugar, que no creía en imágenes religiosas.
It was not until one day that a son fell ill and was so ill that, as no cure could be found, he turned his eyes to the saint and implored him that if he restored his son's health, he would enter the church dancing for him from the entrance. This is in relation to the passages in the Bible where King David danced for God in an act of veneration.
The chief's son recovered his health so his father fulfilled the promise he had made to Christ and danced as he promised with the community as a witness.
Since then, this way of asking Christ for miracles and favors gained more strength.
After the town of San Juan Parangaricutiro was buried by a lava avalanche from the Paricutín volcano, the inhabitants moved, taking the Christ with them.
Currently and since then this saint is venerated in the town of Nuevo San Juan Parangaricutiro.
It is said that when visiting this miraculous Christ, one must enter “dancing” as tradition dictates, taking three steps forward and two steps back along the church to the altar where it is located.
This dance is better known as “The Dance of the Curpites” (those who gathered together).
In San Juan, a very popular saying was born in the region which refers to impossible causes, which says "what you ask for will not be achieved even if you enter San Juan Dancing", indirectly the miraculous capacity of his Christ is recognized: The Lord of miracles.
Not only in the Purépecha communities has it managed to capture more followers, its popularity has extended to the region of Jalisco where a replica of the image is kept in the parish of San Jerónimo.
In this enclosure, a collection of thanks for the favors received from the faithful devotees is kept in a special place, next to the walls.