Ubicación: Quiroga

It is located 10 minutes from Tzintzuntzan, following the highway route. It is another town of pre-Hispanic origin, whose original name was “Cocupao”, which means “place of reception”, since it was the obligatory passage from the Purhépecha capital, Tzintzuntzan, to the ceremonial center of Zacapu.
Today it is an important craft centre, where it is also possible to purchase a large number of leather goods of excellent quality and at a good price.
As places of interest, you should visit the main parish or San Diego, which dates back to the 16th century, where the sacred image of the Precious Blood of Christ is venerated and it is also possible to admire the interesting altarpieces that cover the entire roof of the aforementioned temple.
Another site is the Temple of the Immaculate Conception, with its characteristic Gothic tower, unique in the region, or the Fountain of America, in the center of the main square, named after the statue that stands there, erected in honor of the Purhépecha princess who donated the land to the first Spanish settlers who settled on these lands in the 16th century, thanks to which the city was founded.

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