1st. – Ihuatzio: New Year celebration. The “dance of the old people” is presented.
2 to 6 – Tócuaro: The Three Wise Men. Four days of celebration with presentation of nativity plays.
6th – Patzcuaro: The Three Wise Men. Presentation of nativity plays.
– Janitzio: The Three Wise Men
– Ihuatzio: The Three Wise Men. The “dance of the old men” is presented.
– Tzintzuntzan: The Three Wise Men (mainly celebrated in Ichupio, municipality of Tzintzuntzan). For three days, these characters travel around the town giving out gifts. Visitors are treated to fritters with honey and white atole.
– Santa Fe de la Laguna: The Three Wise Men. There are nativity plays and dances.
– Erongarícuaro: The Three Wise Men. Celebrations in honour of Baby Jesus with the “dance of the old men” and nativity plays in the church atrium and on the streets.