Vasco de Quiroga 26, 61632 Jarácuaro, Michoacán, México.
19.561336913675, -101.67832732201
The Chapel of the Nativity in Jarácuaro is a historic building dating back to the 17th century. It was built as part of a complex that included the temple and the Huatapera, a colonial hospital. The chapel has been restored on several occasions, and although it has undergone modifications, it remains an important testimony of colonial architecture in the region.
La fachada de la capilla es sencilla y de paramento liso, con una portada de marcado corte indigenista. El acceso es de arco en medio punto, desplantado sobre pilastras toscanas. En los nichos de las pilastras se encuentran las imágenes de José y María, con María llevando la vara de azucenas y el libro de oraciones. La fachada culmina en un frontón triangular y una espadaña de un solo vano.
El interior de la capilla es rectangular, con muros de adobe enjarrados con barro tanto en el interior como en el exterior. En el muro absidal, se encuentra un ciprés que sustituyó al altar dorado colonial. A los pies de la nave, hay un reducido coro al que se accede mediante una escalera de desván.
The chapel was built at the beginning of the 17th century and was part of the temple and Huatapera complex. In 1994, the State Government began a restoration that separated the chapel from the hospital, leaving the religious building isolated. Although the restoration altered the original proportion of the building, the chapel remains an important symbol of the history and culture of Jarácuaro.