Idea and Original Text: Arturo Pimentel Ramos (+)
Additional research, copyediting, final writing and web design: J. Arturo Pimentel Martínez.
We appreciate the cooperation and support of the City Chronicler, Enrique Soto González (+) and the restorer Rafaela Luft Dávalos, who kindly collaborated in the review and correction of some historical data mentioned in this guide and the important help of Anne G. Harpe, of Micropix Graphics in Austin TX, who reviewed and corrected the English translation.
LITERATURE Pátzcuaro / Manuel Toussaint / Edición facsimilar / 1992 / Gobierno del Estado de Michoacán | Catálogo de Monumentos y Sitios de la Región Lacustre (tomo I) / Esperanza Ramírez Romero / 1986 / Gobierno del Estado de Michoacán-Universidad Michoacana de San Nicolás de Hidalgo | Enciclopedia Salvat / Salvat Editores, S.A. España. | La Voz de Michoacán | El Sol de Morelia | Cantera Hoy | Michoacán Histórico | INAH
This page is dedicated to the presence of Obdulia Martínez Escobar, wife and driving mother, and in memory of:
Arturo Pimentel Ramos (1929 – 2002) | Hernán Pimentel Martínez (1972 – 2023) |